
Showing posts from October, 2020

Loops in Javascript | what is loops? | Javascript 2020

 Loops in Javascript Loops In Javascript | Loop Statements is use to create a loop. Basically in Programming loop mean the repeatation of statements. So basically loop statements in Javascript is use to make the statement repeat.  What is the use of Loops?  Loops basically use to repeat a statement. For example, if we got task that print "hello world" 100 time, instant of typing "hello world" 100 we will simply use loop and we will write the statement only one type. There are many uses of loops like initialization of data for array etc.  While Loop While loop is the type of loop which is use to repeat the statement on the basis of condition. While loop will stop only if its condition is false otherwise it will be an infinity loop. For example if we want to print 100 pages on printer  only if the pages is save if not it will be terminated.  Syntax while(condition) { Block of Statements }  In the above syntax if the condition is true the block of statement will be ex

get current date and time in Javascript | Javascript 2020

 How to get current date and time in Javascript We can access date and time most of the language. So how we will get the current date and time? What are the statements use for it? So lets begin. 1. You must know about javascript  To get the current date and time through javascript you must have a little knowledge about javascript language. Basically javascript is a side scripting language use to make websites more dynamic. So you must know about it.  2. Lets start with date  Date inside the javascript is an object which returns a lot of information about date and time such as seconds, minutes etc. To use it we must create an object of date and we will store it in the Variable. See below to understand it clearly.  var date = new Date()  3. What we can access from Date() object?  We can access the following things from Date() object.  Milliseconds  Seconds  Minutes  Hours  Days  Weeks  Months  Years  4. How to convert date into milliseconds? We can convert date into milliseconds by simp

CSS box shadow | CSS styling

 How to create a box shadow with CSS So how we will create CSS box shadow. To do this you must know little bit about HTML and CSS. So lets do this The follow these step to create box shadow  1. Create new html file.  To create a html file open an editor and save that file with .html extension. Write basic tag of html like html head and body tag. And then save it with .html extension. I personally recommended to install nodepad++. Nodepad++ is color the sytax.  2. Creating box To create box in html we will use div tag as a box. Div tag is work as a container. So div tag is the best tag for creating box.  <div></div> 3. Adding attribute to div tag Attribute is the property of any tag. We will use class attribute for div tag. Class attribute will represent that tag. Do to this we will simply put class="Class Name" . <div class="box" ></div> 4. Now adding style to the box Now we will add style the box. Add style tag between head tag. To access th

How to send message to a number using HTML | HTML API

 How to send message to a number using HTML So we can send message through HTML. How? We can send sms through <a> tag. <a> tag is use to create link in the web page but we can also send messages through it. To Send messages through link follow these steps: Create and Name your link We can create link using <a> tag. The text between <a> and </a> is the name that are display on a link. You can enter any name between anchor tag. Link attribute  Some tags of HTML has its own attributes. Attributes are the properties of any tags. Anchor <a> tag use href attribute. Href means hypertext reference. Through attribute we can send sms.  Insert Data into Link Basically href is use to put the link of the tag. But in this case we will put number and message body inside href. Example <a href="sms:987654321&body:hi">Send me message</a> Result Send me message When you click on the hyper link it will take you to the message box. 

Make a call-able link in HTML | Call-able link

How to make a call-able link in HTML Html provide an easy way to make  a call able link. You can add this link to your blog or site.  Thes step will create a call able link.  If you already know about html it is very easy for your.  Create a link using anchor tag <a> In the href area put tel:your number Between <a> and </a> put your your name, number or some text to make it click able.  Example <a href="tel:987654321" >Call me</a> This will show you some thing like that Call me Example <a href="tel:987654321" >9+987654321</a> This will show you some thing like that +987654321 When you click the link it will redirect you to the dial pad and the number will be entered in the log automatically.  Warning Do not use + plus sign in the href with the number. Just simply entered your number and when you click on the link it will redirect you to the dial pad. 

Introduction to Python

 What is Python? Python is a famous programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum. It was release in 1991. Python is use for:  Web development  Software development Solve Mathematics Problems System scripting  Is Python is easy  programming language? Yes Python is very easy to learn. Bracket use in python is vary rare. It can be use as a beginner language. Is Python use for Hacking? Yes, Python can be use for hacking. Most of the Hacking tools is programmed with python. What Python can do? Python can be use to create Database App. Python can be use to create Web Development. Python can be use to handle big data. Python can be use to create software development.

HTML Formatting | HTML 2020

 HTML Formatting If you use Word processing you must know about formatting. Formatting is the process to change the layout of the  documents. Word processing provide us many formatting tools such as bold, italic, strick through etc. Similarly HTML provide its users to do such task with coding. Basic HTML Formatting Elements  The basic elements use for formatting HTML pages are  Bold Italic  Underline  Strick through  So we will define these one by one with examples and showing its output.  Bold  Bold <b> tag is use to bold the text. It begin with <b> and end with </b>. The text between <b> and </b> will be bold. This tag is use when we needed to bold something in our document. You can use more than one <b> tag. Example < html > < head >           < title > Bold </ title > </ head > < body >      < p > This is a simple  < b > paragraph </ b ></ p >      </ body > </ html > Result

Paragraph in HTML | HTML paragraph

 Paragraph In HTML HTML paragraph is use to display paragraph on web page. <p> tag is use for paragraph. Paragraph tag start with <p> and end with </p>. Paragraph is display text. Example < html > < head >           < title > Paragraph </ title > </ head > < body >      < p > This is a simple paragraph </ p > </ body > </ html > Result This is a simple paragraph Horizontal Line in HTML The <hr> tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page. It will draw a horizontal line between two tags. It has no ending tag. Example < html > < head >           < title > Paragraph </ title > </ head > < body >      < p > This is a  < br >  simple paragraph </ p > </ body > </ html > Result This is a  simple paragraph Break Line in HTML The <br> tag is use to break line. <br> tag has no ending tag. This tag is use for formatting the text or doc

What is HTML? | HTML 2020

 What is HTML? HTML is stand for H yper T ext M arkup   L anguage. HTML is a Markup language which is used for Web Development. HTML tell the browser how to display a page. HTML use tags start and end tags HTML is not a programming language. How is the Structure of HTML < html > < head >           < title > What is HTML </ title > </ head > < body >      </ body > </ html > <html> is the start tag of HTML and it is end with </html> at the bottom of page. . Every HTML tag is start with <Name of tag> and end with </Name of Tag> The second tag is <head> which is use for providing information about the page such as title etc. <title> tag is use to display the title of the page. it end with </title> The fourth is <body> tag. Whatever we watch on the web page, placed inside the <body> tag. <body> tag is end with </html>. How to Run HTML Code? Open any editor (such as nodepad or n